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hardware [2021/04/24 14:18]
hardware [2021/05/05 14:14] (current)
cubebuilder old revision restored (2021/04/24 12:14)
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 ^ KVM Slices 512MB+ Nodes ^ ^ KVM Slices 512MB+ Nodes ^
-| Ryzen 9 3900X 3.80Ghz (12 cores, 24 threads) CPU |+| Ryzen 9 3900X 3.80Ghz CPU |
 | 128GB DDR4 RAM | | 128GB DDR4 RAM |
 | 2TB NVME Storage | | 2TB NVME Storage |
 | 10Gbit Ethernet (WAN-facing) | | 10Gbit Ethernet (WAN-facing) |
 | 40Gbit Infiniband (Private networks and slabs) | | 40Gbit Infiniband (Private networks and slabs) |