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anycast_vps [2021/06/16 12:53]
anycast_vps [2023/06/30 15:46] (current)
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 Anycast is a routing feature BuyVM offers for free to all customers.  With a functioning Anycast configuration inbound traffic will be routed to the VPS that is nearest to the visitor (i.e. European visitors will go Luxembourg, United States visitors depending on their location will go to either Las Vegas, New York or Miami, Asia visitors will go to Las Vegas, South American visitors will go to Miami etc.). Anycast is a routing feature BuyVM offers for free to all customers.  With a functioning Anycast configuration inbound traffic will be routed to the VPS that is nearest to the visitor (i.e. European visitors will go Luxembourg, United States visitors depending on their location will go to either Las Vegas, New York or Miami, Asia visitors will go to Las Vegas, South American visitors will go to Miami etc.).
-**Anycast requires customer to have a KVM Slice in all three BuyVM locations (Las Vegas, New York, Miami and Luxembourg).**+**Anycast requires customer to have a KVM Slice in all four BuyVM locations (Las Vegas, New York, Miami and Luxembourg).**
 ===== Why use Anycast? ===== ===== Why use Anycast? =====
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 ===== Does AnyCast Have DDOS Protection?===== ===== Does AnyCast Have DDOS Protection?=====
-We offer DDOS Protection for AnyCast for **$5.00 monthly** which is powered by Cloudflare Magic Transit.+We offer DDOS Protection for AnyCast for **$5.00 monthly** which is powered by Path.net.
 ===== How much does AnyCast VPS cost ? ===== ===== How much does AnyCast VPS cost ? =====